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Dave Warner
7 min read
Ellie says there is a snake in the dining room
It was early in the afternoon on a beautiful, blue sky, June day. Being a dutiful son, I was out, standing on the driveway, having a...
Dave Warner
10 min read
A hog as big as a couch
So, a sizable portion of hunting has gotten a bad name. The bad press comes from hunters who hunt for trophies or who hunt unsafely and...
Dave Warner
3 min read
Why I hunt
The year is 2010. I had just turned 50 years old. Up until the banking meltdown of 2008, I had a solid career in the tv and movie...
Dave Warner
3 min read
Taking a Life
Hunting requires many things. It requires being familiar with the woods, swamps and fields and all the flora and fauna therein. It...
Dave Warner
2 min read
Why you may want to learn to hunt
Why learn to hunt? Why do we hunt when we can buy all the food we want….Somebody else killed it so we have dispensed with that part of...
Dave Warner
2 min read
On health and truly organic protein
For most people, their food comes in plastic packaging with a styrofoam tray holding a cut of meat and wrapped in a plastic film...
Dave Warner
2 min read
Firearms and hunting
We live in a time of turmoil. The news, when one chooses to follow it, is unsettling. And having worked in the tv business, one learns...
Dave Warner
3 min read
Hog’s an even match
In case you have missed the news, wild hogs are a problem in this country. Known by the latin name “Susscrofa”, European domesticated...
Dave Warner
3 min read
Nature Points
For some hunters, especially those new to the sport, the only apparent goal is to harvest an animal. Any day spent in the field that...
Dave Warner
2 min read
What is Fair Chance hunting?
Fair Chance hunting is the philosophy of taking your prey quickly, humanely and from a distance of 35 yards or less. Hunting at these...
Like a personal trainer for hunting.
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